LaTeX Writing Sample

This comes from part of an assignment for Discrete Math at USU

Determining a closed form of a recursive equation

Please determine a closed formula for the number Sn of subsets of [n] that have no consecutive elements, if the elements of [n] are thought of as positive integers with the usual order relation.

Claim the closed form for Sn is S(n)=5+3510(1+52)n+53510(152)n


Consider the following sets of solutions S0={}S1={},{1}S2={},{1},{2}S3={},{1},{2},{3},{1,3}

Note that S2 can be rewritten to be S2=S1+{2} where {2} is what results from stuffing 2 into the null set.

Similarly, S3 is also equal to S2+{3},{1,3} where {3},{1,3} is what you get from stuffing 3 to each solution in S1.

Without loss of generality, this argument applies to each solution in Sn resulting in the recursive equation Sn=Sn1+Sn2 where n2 and S0=1,S1=2

As this is clearly the same form as the Fibonacci equation we know too that S(n)=A(1+52)n+B(152)n and solving this equation for S(0) gives us that A=1B which allows for the simplification of the equation into one with a single variable and so we can then solve S(1) for B which yields that B=53510 and therefore we also know that A=5+3510.

Putting in the answers for A and B into the equation for S(n) yields our original equation.

Proof of a test for divisibility by 9

Suppose x is a positive integer with n digits, say x=d1d2d3dn. In other words, di{0,1,2,,9} for 1in, but d10. Please prove that if 9 is a divisor of d1+d2++dn, then 9 is a divisor of x. Recall that, for a,bZ, a is a divisor of b if b=ak, for some kZ.

First, some notation. Let 9[n] be a number that consists of n sequential nines. Thus 9[3]=999.

Lemma: 10n=9[n1]+1 thus 103=9[31]+1=9[2]+1=99+1=100

  1. Proof of Lemma: In base 10, all numbers can be expressed as d110n+d210n1++dn1101+dn100
  2. Consider that 9+1=10 can be rewritten as 9100+1100 and that 10=1101.
  3. Thus, 9100+1100=10100=1101 and so 910n1+910n2++9101+9100+1100=910n1+910n2++9101+10100=910n1+910n2++9101+1101=910n1+910n2++10101=910n1+910n2+110n2=910n1+1010n2=910n1+110n1=1010n1=10n
  4. It should be clear that 9[n]=91[n] and thus that 9 is a divisor of 9[n].

Consider the digit expansion shown in our lemma. Using that lemma, the expansion can be rewritten as d110n+d210n1++dn1101+dn100=d1(9[n1]+1)+d2(9[n2]+1)++dn(9[0]+1) Distributing and combining like terms yields d1+d2++dn+d19[n1]+d29[n2]++dn9[0]

As addition is closed under Z, d1+d2++dn=S where SZ.

For every element that remains, we know that 9 is a divisor of each element and so if 9 is also a divisor of S then 9 is a divisor of x. As this is what we are assuming, we know that, when the digits of a number sum to a number that is a divisor of 9 then the we know too that 9 is a divisor of that number.